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I created this haunting colored pencil sketch of the Carolina Parakeet in honor of the 100 year anniversary when it was officially declared extinct (1918-2018).  The once common only native eastern North American  member of the parrot family, specimens of this bird can now only be found in museums.  

Other Deatils include:


* Medium: high-quality, Prismacolor colored pencils 

* Surface: Strathmore 100lb Colored pencil paper

* Back signed by artist with date

* Comes in a resealable plastic bag to preserve quality in shipment or for storage

* Comes unmatted and unframed.  


*Interested in prints of this image or having it matted and/or framed? Contact me here!


Carolina ParakeetConuropsis carolinensis

*Once North America's only resident parrot, the last confirmed Carolina Parakeet died on February 21, 1918 at the Cincinnati Zoo.  The species was once a locally abundant resident in the southeastern and midwewstern US, where it thrived  in bald cypress swamps and mature sycamore-dominated bottomlands.  It's tolerance for cold weather was an important adaptation that made this particular member of the Psittacidae (parrot) family unique.  It's extinction was due to many reasons, all stemming from the arrival of European settlers.  The species died out before it received any comprehensive biological study and was declared "officially" extinct in 1939. 


*Information taken from

 For more information, check out my blog on the Carolina Parakeet.  

**Original photo that inspired sketch taken at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, IL by James St. John 

Carolina Parakeet Original Artwork

SKU: OA103
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