Other Treasures
Original Artwork and Prints
Nuthatch Silver Elegance Necklace
Simply Kestral Necklace
Nuthatch Golden Elegance Necklace
Kestral Fleur de lis Necklace
Copper Kestral Necklace
Heart-Shaped Red Catbird Necklace
RBNU Modern Cameo Necklace
Brown-Headed Nuthatch Classic Cameo Necklace
Nuthatch Silhouette Necklace
Roadrunner Sunset Shimmer Necklace
Gila Woodpecker Shimmer Necklace
Purple Heron Necklace and Earring Set
Silver Blue Heron Necklace
Silver Stilt Necklace
Bluebird Mini Cameo Necklace
Tropical Jay Shimmering Necklace
Prothonotary Warbler Mini Cameo Necklace
Timber Turk's Cap Lily Necklace
Indigo Moonlight Gift set
Carolina Parakeet Cameo Necklace