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Evening Grosbeak Report 12-12-2018

I've been majorly slacking on this "weekly" report, so trying to catch up! There has been some exciting new developments on ebird as the migrating Evening Grosbeaks have slowly made their way southward during the month of December.

As of December 12, 2018, here is the range map of sightings:

Evening Grosbeak Migration Map 2018

When compared to the previous weeks' maps, the newest sightings in North Carolina, Virginia, and Indiana show an obvious south/southwest trend for the migrating Evening Grosbeaks. All sightings are happening at backyard bird feeders.

Some notable sightings this week include:

Clinton County, Indiana: (around December 9. 2018)

As many as 25 reports have come from this vicinity, all reporting one male Evening Grosbeak. According to ebird, a group of Audubon members flocked to the location to catch a glimpse of this rare winter migrant. He was consistently reported at a backyard bird feeder actively fending off House Sparrows while feasting on various seeds at feeders between two Spruce trees.

Orange County, North Carolina: (December 9, 2018)

One male and two females came to a backyard platform feeder during a snowstorm.

Check back soon for more updates as the Evening Grosbeaks make their way south!

~Blythe Birdwatchers

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